We represent more than
200 Chilean fruit companies.
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors of Frutas de Chile is comprised of 34 Directors and their respective Alternates, plus its Chairman.

Our team
Our team is made up of experts committed to growth and innovation in the Chilean fruit industry.
Inspection Sites
Inspection Sites for Joint SAG/USDA-APHIS/Frutas de Chile Phytosanitary Inspection at ports and in regions, totaling six facilities to date in Regions IV, V, RM, VI, VII and VIII. The regional inspection sites: Coquimbo, Lo Herrera, Los Lirios, Teno and Cabrero are managed by Frutas de Chile; the port sites at Santiago International Airport and Valparaíso are managed by SAG.
III Region - Copiapó Site
Ruta 5 Norte #5500 (Inside Unifruttii Traders Plant).
FdC Administrator: Marcela Antequera
Mobile Phone: +56 9 9984 0237
Repacking Manager: Daniela Marihuan
Mobile Phone: +56 9 3482 8692

IV Region - Coquimbo Site
Ruta D-43 Km. 64.6 Parcela 76, sector Nueva Vida, Pan de Azúcar
FdC Administrator: Carola Olivares
Mobile Phone: +56 9 4006 9886
Repacking Manager:
Mobile Phone: +56 9 3232 7314

V Region - Valparaíso Site
Camino La Pólvora, Km 12.7 Valparaíso
FdC Administrator: Denise Quiroga C.
Tel: (32) 3141172 - Mobile: +56 9 9826570698265706

Metropolitan Region - CAMB Airport Site
Gate 1. Cargo Sector. Airport C. A. Merino B.
FdC Coordinator: Denise Quiroga C.
Tel: (2) 26010157 - Mobile: + 56 9 98265706

Metropolitan Region - Lo Herrera Site
Ruta 5 Sur. Km.27. San Bernardo.
FdC Administrator: Alejandra Aguilera
Mobile Phone: +56 9 98265704
Repackaging Manager: Alfredo Orellana
Tel: (2) 22011728
FdC Reception Tel: (2) 22010242

VI Region - Los Lirios Site
Ruta Travesía (ex ruta 5 sur) Km. 91-Cruce Olivar-Rancagua.
FdC Administrator: Sergio Vergara
Phone: (72) 2242358 - Mobile: + 56 9 94196470
svergara@frutasdechile.cl svergara@frutasdechile.cl
Repackaging Manager:
Tel: +56 9 32327315

VII Region - Teno Site
Ruta 5 Sur. Km. 170.
FdC Administrator: Juan Carlos Contreras
Phone: (75) 2201400 - Cell: +56 9 98959096
Repacking Manager: Andrea Vargas
Phone: (75) 2201407 - Mobile: +56 72 224 2358

VIII Region - Cabrero Site
Ruta 5 Sur. Km. 458.5 Calle de Servicio, Vereda Poniente - Cabrero
FdC Administrator: Rodrigo Nacarate
Telephone: (2) 29023037 - Cell: +56 9 78094993
Repacking Manager: Gerson Peña
Telephone: (2) 29023037 Annex 103

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