
Lobesia Botrana Control Strategy 2024-2025

The national strategy to confront the Lobesia botrana pest during the 2024-2025 season, contains the objectives, scope and details of the actions to be taken within the framework of the Official Control Program, covering aspects related to surveillance through pheromone ramps, farm and urban control, control of internal quarantine measures, supervision and support for research plans.
Download Strategy 2024-2025

SAG published the list of producers benefited with the delivery of sexual confusion emitters, season 2024-2025. To review it click here.  

It also published a Communiqué that presents a summary of the strategy for the installation of Sexual Confusion in the 2024-2025 Season, to review it click here

Officially approved products for sexual confusion of Lobesia botrana

SAG currently has authorized Sexual Confusion emitting devices for the control of Lobesia botrana, which should be used according to the technical specifications described in the respective declarations of efficacy.

Download the updated list as of August 13, 2024 and statements of effectiveness

Officially approved products for the control of Lobesia botrana

The products authorized for the control of Lobesia botrana have been evaluated under national conditions by Experimental Stations which have implemented the Protocol "Evaluation of the efficacy and protection period of insecticides on Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) in field trials on grapevine (Vitis vinifera), with controlled infestation".

Download the updated list as of August 12, 2024 and statements of effectiveness.

Phytosanitary Programs for the Control of Lobesia botrana 2024-2025

Below are the Phytosanitary Programs that have been developed by Asoex for the control of Lobesia botrana in grapes, plums and blueberries, species under compulsory control.

Table Grape (Vitis vinifera) y MRLs and Deficiencies (August 2024)
European Plum tree (Prunus domestica) Japanese Plum tree (Prunus salicina) y MRLs and Deficiencies (August 2024)
Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) y MRLs and Deficiencies (August 2024)

Phytosanitary Status

Due to the fact that SAG has established that the pest Drosophila suzukii is widely distributed in some southern regions of the Chilean territory, and that it is in the process of spreading to new areas that present adequate conditions for its establishment, it has published in the Official Gazette.O. exempt Resolution No. 1,943 of March 15, 2019, which declares the pest Drosophila suzukii (matsumura) in phytosanitary status of pest present with restricted distribution only to some areas of the country in which the SAG has detected and/or ratified the presence of the pest.

All points or places with detections of Drosophila suzukii that are ratified by SAG or by authorized third parties, will be published on the Service's web page, at

Work Plan for Surveillance and Integrated Management of the pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) in productive orchards and fruit host processing sites 2021-2022

This work plan contains the official recommendations issued by SAG to confront, prevent and reduce the negative effect on production levels. It covers aspects related to preventive cultural management, monitoring and integrated pest management.

Attached is a link to download the Work Plan.

DROSU.CL WEB PLATFORM is a platform developed by the Universidad de O'Higgins, together with Corfo, the Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) and the Fundación para el Desarrollo Frutícola de ASOEX (FDF). This is a collaborative platform for the management of surveillance, forecasting, research and control of the spotted winged drosophila pest. This platform provides data sheets with the characteristics of the pest, videos for correct trapping and monitoring, and other valuable information to control its expansion throughout the Chilean countryside.

In addition, the blueberry committee and ASOEX, as part of the commitment to disseminate information to the entire sector involved, assumed in the public-private roundtable formed by SAG, prepared the following downloadable technical sheets:

Status as of March 2020 and Recommendations for Management of D.suzukii
Spotted Winged Drosophila Monitoring and Prevention
Intra- and extra-farm Risk Analysis for Drosophila suzukii

Officially approved pesticides for the control of Drosophila suzukii.

The list contains the commercial products that were selected based on the background and efficacy declaration submitted for the control of the spotted winged drosophila pest Drosophila suzukii. This list will be updated as new agrochemicals are approved by SAG.

Details of the indications for the use of these products in the control of Drosophila suzukii can be found in the declaration of efficacy prepared by each company.

Download updated list as of May 23, 2023 and statements of effectiveness.

Cycle of Talks

During the 2018-2019 season, the cycle of talks "Current Situation and Control Measures of Drosophila suzukii in Fruit Trees" was held by ASOEX in conjunction with SAG and FDF. The objective was to inform about the situation of the pest in the national territory and the recommendations for surveillance, cultural management and chemical control in case of detection.

In the following link you can download the presentations:

IMPORTANCE OF THE PEST, SITUATION AS OF SEPTEMBER 2018 AND WORKING STRATEGY prepared by the Plant Health Department of the Agricultural Protection Division of SAG.
ALTERNATIVES FOR CONTROL OF Drosophila suzukii, prepared by Mr. Carlos Barriga, ASOEX advisor.