Become a member of Frutas de Chile

Who can become a member:

"Any natural or juridical person with domicile within the territory of the Republic, whose activities consist preferably in the exercise of export trade or the provision of services related to such trade, and who has been accepted by the Board of Directors, may be a member" (Article 5 of the Association's bylaws).

To apply for membership, you must fill out the membership application form here, choose that you want to become a member, in any of its modalities.

The application must be accompanied by the following two documents, which will be requested on the same form.

Letter of request for incorporation addressed to the President of the Association signed by the applicant or legal representative of the company, in case it is a legal entity.(Download Sample Letter)

Certificate of Power of Attorney in case the applicant is a legal entity.

The request for incorporation is presented at the next Board of Directors' meeting, which decides whether or not to accept the request.
If approved, the applicant is informed and is incorporated as a member as of that month, beginning the collection of the different social quotas and accessing the benefits.