
Nutritional Benefits

The name comes from the Quechua word chirimoya, which means "cold seeds", because the plant grows at high altitudes and the seeds will germinate at higher altitudes. The flesh of the cherimoya is white and creamy (hence it is often called custard apple), and has numerous dark brown seeds embedded in it. When ripe, the skin is green and yields slightly to pressure. What does cherimoya taste like? It has been described as a combination of tropical flavors such as banana, coconut, strawberries and mango. Some people also taste pineapple and papayas. Mark Twain called it "the most delicious fruit known to man". Chilean cherimoyas are available from June to December.
One medium-sized cherimoya contains 30 mg of vitamin C, which is 35% of the recommended daily intake. The vitamin C in cherimoya prevents free radicals from attacking lipids, which promotes cardiovascular health. Custard apples reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood, which improves blood flow in the heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks.