CDK’s internal regulations that establish the conditions for the renewal of membership of its associates, the incorporation of new members, and the procedures that will govern each season, as well as the participation of service providers.
The Production and Postharvest/Quality Manuals and Technical Documents for Chilean Kiwifruit are technical publications for reference use that reflect the best practices currently in use. Their application is voluntary and therefore they are not a mandatory standard. See documents in the folder “Manuals and Technical Documents”:
Since the first detection in Italy (2008) of “Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker”, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae, Psa (also called Bacteriosis), and its subsequent spread worldwide, the CDK and the Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) have made a joint effort to confront and control this disease in Chilean orchards. To this end, a Phytosanitary Commission was formed with the participation of advisors, exporters, private laboratories and universities. Over time, the work carried out has made it possible to establish a “Country Strategy” to combat Psa that includes research, the preparation of technical and dissemination material that is permanently updated, and training and transfer programs aimed at all participants in the Chilean kiwifruit production chain. For more information on the strategy to combat and control PSA, see the following documentation:
The SA is a production strategy aimed at reducing the prevalence of the pest Brevipalpus Chilensis (False Spider mite) at the orchard level, and is recognized as a quarantine treatment, as an alternative to fumigation, for kiwifruit in the United States and Brazilian markets.
It also helps reduce rejections in phytosanitary inspection for other markets (e.g. Korea and China).
For more information about the System Approach, we invite you to review the following documentation:
Market report that provides a global and updated vision of the national and international kiwifruit industry. Distributed from the second half of March through September of each year, it provides CDK member exporting companies with updated, timely and reliable information on each season in terms of inventories, harvests, projections and trends, among other matters.
The CDK articulates Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) activities to meet the needs of the kiwifruit industry in terms of products, technologies and services, or their improvement.
Technology Dissemination Program Code 17PDT2-88744: Dissemination of new technologies to increase the competitiveness of the Chilean Hayward kiwifruit through the production of superior quality fruit.
It is a project funded by INNOVA-CORFO and executed by CDK. Initiated in January 2018, it has 30 direct beneficiary producers and is aimed at all kiwi producers, its main objective is the transfer of innovative agronomic techniques in production and harvest management, which allow obtaining a premium quality fruit.
Term: December 2019
Technology program for export fruit growing in the South Central Zone – PTECS-66641
The overall objective of this project, which began in December 2016, with a duration of 96 months, is to boost the competitiveness and sustainability of the fresh fruit export sector in the central-south zone for blueberries, raspberries and kiwis, through the development and/or adaptation of varieties or patterns and the creation of technological packages/models, which will contribute to the diversification and sophistication of the industry and enhance its participation in global markets.
The program, financed by INNOVA-CHILE, executed by the Fundación para el Desarrollo Frutícola FDF and with the Asociación de Exportadores de Frutas de Chile, A.G., as a partner entity, considers the implementation of 9 projects, 3 of which are aimed at the kiwifruit species.
Development of a predictive methodology for size estimation in kiwifruit.
Executed by FDF, with a duration of three years, this project aims to identify, evaluate and develop a methodology to determine the size distribution in kiwifruit, Hayward variety.
Protocols and selection methodologies for the establishment of actinidia sp. genetic material for commercial use in Chile.
With a duration of 4 years and with the Consorcio Tecnológico de la Fruta and the Facultad de Agronomía de la PUC, as co-executors, the main objective of this project is to favor the establishment of genetic material of Actinidia sp. for commercial use in Chile, through the implementation of selection protocols and their respective evaluation methodologies.
Technological package for the use of a geomatic information system for the intelligent management of fruit-growing territories.
Project executed by FDF, with a duration of 3 years, aims to develop a geographic and analytical management platform (GEOMATIKA), which considers climatic, production and quality information of the kiwi species.
Transfer: Photoselective canopies in kiwifruit
Project executed by the Institute of Agronomic and Veterinary Sciences of the Universidad de O’Higgins and financed by the regional government through an Innovation Fund for Competitiveness (FIC), aims to increase the competitiveness of kiwifruit producers by generating technological guidelines for the use of photo-selective canopy systems in the O’Higgins Region.
In operation since 2012, the objective of this program is to make available to CDK members information related to the main phenological events of the crop, for the different ecozones where kiwifruit is produced in Chile.
To represent, coordinate and manage the interests of CDK’s associates, seeking to achieve the highest standards of quality, market positioning and profitability in kiwifruit production.
To be the means for an associative work between producers and exporters to obtain the best of Chilean kiwifruit and make it known to the world.
Union Representatives
Iván Marambio Castaño – President Frutas de Chile
Victor Catán Dabike – President Fedefruta
Export Representatives
Álvaro Herreros Marín
Alejandra Cifuentes Ortiz
Gonzalo Gajardo Cortés
Cristóbal Serrano Palma
Sebastián García Calavaro
Producer Representatives
Felipe Espinosa Urzúa
Romy Meyer Ramírez
Hugo Poblete Herrera
Felipe Rieutord Arteaga
Carlo Sabaini Simonetti
Permanent Guest Directors
Mariano Rodríguez Pérez
André Van Tuil
Alternate Directors
Miguel Canala-Echeverría Vergara – Frutas de Chile
Rodrigo Gallardo – Frutas de Chile
Juan Carlos Sepúlveda Meyer- Fedefruta
Former Presidents
Ricardo González González (2009 – 2011)
Elizabeth Köhler Burgoa Lorena Gómez Cuevas Cherie Méndez González Cristian González Vargas
Technical Advisor Technical Assistant Technical Supervisor Project Management Field Technical Assistant
The CDK carries out its activities through working committees made up of professionals representing the member companies.
Production Commission
Made up of technicians from export companies, the Chilean Kiwifruit Production Commission focuses its actions on establishing and recommending orchard management techniques to increase and ensure the production of fruit of good quality and condition.
Postharvest and Quality Commission
The Postharvest and Quality Commission of the Chilean Kiwifruit Committee (CCPKCh), made up of technicians from exporters, seeks primarily to establish and recommend postharvest handling techniques and quality standards for kiwifruit to optimize its potential for conservation and acceptance by the final consumer.
Promotion and Marketing
The Promotion and Marketing Commission (CPMKCh), made up of commercial representatives of the member exporters, has the priority mission of defining strategies to promote and position Chilean kiwifruit in the target markets, and specifically at the end consumer level.
Phytosanitary Commission
Made up of technicians from exporters, advisors, representatives of the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) and plant pathologists from universities and private organizations, the Phytosanitary Commission (CFKCh) has established a collaborative work program that includes the definition of lines of work based on the needs and priorities of the industry to address the main diseases affecting the species.
Nutritional Benefits