The sectoral promotion of Chilean cherries has been one of the most successful examples of a sectoral campaign carried out by any Chilean food sector in China. The sectoral promotional effort has supported production growth through increased demand for cherries in destination markets.
China is the main export market for Chilean cherries, accounting for approximately 91% of the volume exported. As such, China is also the main focus of the annual promotional investment made by the Chilean Cherry Committee in its main destination markets.
The annual Cherries from Chile campaign in China is an omnichannel campaign whose target audience ranges from consumers to members of the Chinese fruit industry. Its activities include activations in the main e-commerce platforms, retailers and greengrocers, digital advertising, social networks, public relations, collaborations with influencers and opinion leaders, among others.
In addition to China, other export markets for Chilean cherries include the United States, South Korea, Brazil and India. As part of an overall strategy to diversify export markets for Chilean cherries, the committee also carries out important marketing campaigns in these markets.
One of the particularities of cherry production in Chile is its wide production area, from latitude 32º (Ovalle) to latitude 46º (Chile Chico). However, 80% of the volume of cherries is produced in the O’Higgins and Maule Regions, with volumes of concentrated fruit from the second half of December to the first week of January.
The 10 main exported varieties are Lapins with 43% of the total volume exported, Santina (21%), Regina (19%), Sweet Heart and Bing with 4% respectively. Also noteworthy are Kordia (3%), Skeena (2%), Royal Dawn, Rainer with 1%, among others. It should be noted that the Chilean industry sends more than 36 varieties of cherries to the world. Some of these are new early varieties such as Meda Rex, Sweet Aryana or Royal Lynn, among others, which are still produced in low volumes, not exceeding 80 tons exported.
Unique sizing nomenclature that aims to promote a better understanding throughout the distribution chain from producers to final consumer.
Nutritional Benefits